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Harness the Power of Solé Water: Your Guide to Better Hydration

Harness the Power of Solé Water: Your Guide to Better Hydration

Summer is here, and with the rising temperatures comes the need for proper hydration. But have you ever considered that your hydration could do more than just quench your thirst?

At TOXYFREE, we're always on the lookout for natural, toxin-free ways to support our health. That's why we're excited to introduce you to Solé Water, a simple yet powerful tonic that can transform your hydration habits for the better.

What is Solé Water?

Solé Water is a tonic made by dissolving unrefined salt into water, resulting in a solution packed with essential minerals. It has become a staple in our daily routine.

When taken regularly, Solé Water can provide your body with essential minerals and support hydration, pH balance, digestion, and overall metabolic health. It's a simple addition to your day but can make a significant difference to your wellbeing.

How to Make Solé Water

Making your own Solé Water at home is an easy process that requires just a few simple steps:

  1. Take large, minimally processed sea salt crystals and place it in a pint-sized glass jar or use our premade kit.

  2. Cover the salt crystals with chemical-free water.

  3. Let the jar sit for at least 24 hours. By the end of this period, the water will be fully saturated with salt, and you'll have your Solé ready to go!

How to Use Solé Water

Start each morning with a glass of Solé Water to hydrate and replenish your body with essential minerals. Simply mix a teaspoon of Solé into a glass of water and drink. This ritual sets you up for the day ahead, keeping you nourished and energized.

Don't forget about your little ones and furry friends - they can also partake in the benefits of Solé Water. Give them a 1/2 teaspoon of Solé mixed into a glass of water to ensure they're staying hydrated and nourished too.

Solé Water can also be a great ally on particularly hot days or after an intense workout. When you feel the need for an extra hydration boost, just mix another teaspoon of Solé into a glass of water.

Remember, it's not just about quenching our thirst, but about nourishing our bodies and minds. By integrating Solé Water into your daily routine, you're taking a step towards toxin-free living and a healthier, happier you and your loved ones.

So, why not make Solé Water your go-to drink? Your body - and your family - will thank you for it!

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Myth: Toxin-Free Living is Too Expensive

Myth: Toxin-Free Living is Too Expensive

Myth vs Fact: Unveiling the Truth about Toxin-Free Living

In the digital era, with information available at our fingertips, it's easy to find an overload of advice, opinions, and sometimes, misconceptions about the latest health and wellness trends. Toxin-Free Living is no exception.

Today, let's debunk one of the most common myths about Toxin-Free Living – that it's too expensive.

Myth: Toxin-Free Living Is Too Expensive

It's a common belief that living a toxin-free lifestyle is a luxury that only a few can afford. People often associate this lifestyle with buying organic food, natural personal care products, and eco-friendly cleaning supplies, which can often come with a higher price tag compared to conventional counterparts. However, is it accurate to say that toxin-free living is necessarily expensive? Let's explore the facts.

Fact: Toxin-Free Living Can Be Budget-Friendly

Contrary to the common perception, pursuing a toxin-free lifestyle doesn't need to break your bank. Here's why:

1. Prioritizing and Planning: Toxin-Free Living is about making conscious choices. Not all organic products are equally beneficial, and some non-organic products may not pose significant risks. For example, you might prioritize organic choices for certain foods known to have higher pesticide levels (like strawberries or spinach), while saving money on others. It's about being selective, doing your research, and making informed choices.

2. DIY Solutions: Many toxin-free alternatives can be homemade, often at a fraction of the cost of store-bought products. For example, vinegar and baking soda can replace many household cleaning products, while countless DIY recipes exist for natural personal care products.

3. Long-Term Savings: Investing in toxin-free products can also lead to long-term savings. Higher quality organic foods can provide better nutrition and potentially reduce future health costs. Similarly, natural products often last longer, offering better value for money over time.

4. Mindful Consumption: Embracing a toxin-free lifestyle often goes hand in hand with mindful consumption. This might mean buying less but choosing better, reducing waste, and saving money in the process.

Embracing a Budget-Friendly Toxin-Free Lifestyle

The myth that a toxin-free lifestyle is necessarily expensive is just that – a myth. With informed choices, a bit of DIY spirit, and a commitment to mindful consumption, Toxin-Free Living can fit a variety of budgets. The key to remember is that this journey isn't about perfection. It's about making the best choices we can, based on the resources we have, to reduce our exposure to toxins and promote healthier, more sustainable living.

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What is Toxin-Free Living & Why Does It Matter?

What is Toxin-Free Living & Why Does It Matter?

If you've ever scrolled through a wellness blog or glanced at the labels on some of the latest health products, you've likely come across terms like "organic," "all-natural," or "toxin-free." While these phrases are becoming increasingly common, what they actually mean – and why they matter – may not be clear. Today, let's delve into one of these terms: Toxin-Free Living.

What is Toxin-Free Living?

In its simplest form, Toxin-Free Living is a conscious lifestyle choice to minimize exposure to toxins in our day-to-day lives. But what are these toxins we're talking about? They're harmful substances found in various aspects of our lives, from the food we eat to the air we breathe, the clothes we wear, and the products we use.

Toxins can be found in pesticides used on non-organic produce, chemicals in cleaning and personal care products, air and water pollution, synthetic materials, and more. While these toxins are often in small amounts, consistent exposure can accumulate in our bodies, potentially leading to health issues over time.

Why Does It Matter?

There's a growing body of research suggesting that long-term exposure to certain toxins can contribute to a range of health problems, from allergies and asthma to more severe conditions like cancer and neurological disorders. While our bodies are equipped with natural detoxification processes, the overwhelming presence of toxins in our modern lives can overburden these systems.

Toxin-Free Living isn't about creating a 100% toxin-free bubble – that would be virtually impossible in our interconnected world. Instead, it's about making informed choices where we can to reduce overall exposure and support our body's natural detox processes.

The Benefits of Toxin-Free Living

Embracing a toxin-free lifestyle can have numerous benefits, not just for our health but for the environment too. Here are a few:

  1. Improved Health: By reducing exposure to harmful substances, you support your body's natural systems and potentially decrease the risk of certain health conditions.

  2. Environmental Impact: Many toxin-free choices, like opting for organic produce or natural cleaning products, also benefit the environment by reducing pollution and supporting sustainable practices.

  3. Increased Mindfulness: Toxin-Free Living naturally encourages more mindful consumption, helping you become more aware of what you're putting into and onto your body.

Your Toxin-Free Journey

Embarking on a toxin-free lifestyle doesn't have to be overwhelming. It can start with small, manageable steps like switching to a natural soap or buying organic for certain "high-risk" produce. As you learn more, you'll find there are many areas where you can make healthier choices.

Throughout this journey, remember that the goal isn't perfection. It's about doing the best you can with the knowledge and resources you have. Every step, no matter how small, is a step towards a healthier you and a healthier planet.

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The Art of Caring for Your TOXYFREE Carbon Steel Pan: The Key to Uncompromised Health and Culinary Experiences

The Art of Caring for Your TOXYFREE Carbon Steel Pan: The Key to Uncompromised Health and Culinary Experiences

Acquire, Prepare, Adore

In the world of gastronomy, an exceptional tool doesn't merely assist—it transforms the culinary endeavor. Welcome to your journey with the TOXYFREE Carbon Steel Pan. Each of our pans is crafted with a fervent commitment to quality, reflecting the same passion you bring to creating each dish.

However, before we embark on this symphony of flavors, it's essential to understand: Your TOXYFREE pan is more than a kitchen companion—it's a symbol of a healthier lifestyle, a testament to mindful living.

The Goodness of Going Chemical-Free

Your TOXYFREE pan comes with a promise—the promise of a chemical-free cooking experience. It bravely steers clear of the commonly used non-stick PFAS, notorious for their potential health risks. Unidentified coatings that pose a threat to our well-being? They have no place on our pans.

Instead, we offer a natural beeswax coating to protect your pan from rust during transportation. A solution born from nature, for your health. Once your pan arrives, we entrust you to continue this legacy.

Embrace the Season(ing)

Like an artist preparing a canvas, the process of seasoning your TOXYFREE pan is crucial. A ritual to be conducted 2-3 times initially, seasoning forms the initial layer of patina—a natural, non-toxic alternative to synthetic non-stick coatings.

We recommend oils such as beef fat, bacon fat, duck fat, or avocado oil, for this sacred act. Apply a thin layer and heat until it starts smoking. Once cooled, wipe off the excess oil and repeat. This practice not only provides a natural non-stick surface but also shields your pan against rust. An uneven application or the use of inappropriate oils might result in spotting during seasoning.

Just like a story unfolding with every page, your pan will develop its unique character with each use. It's a masterpiece in the making.

The Storage & Care

Treasure your TOXYFREE pan as a culinary heirloom. Store it in a cool, dry environment, away from moisture that might incite rust. A slight layer of oil serves as its guardian armor, protecting it while adding to the patina.

In Case of Rust...

Despite the pan's resilience, should rust make an appearance, follow this protocol:

  1. Wash the pan inside and out with warm water and a soft sponge.
  2. Dry it completely.
  3. Add a mixture of lemon juice or white vinegar and salt.
  4. Scrub gently for a couple of minutes.
  5. Rinse out and dry.
  6. Scrub thoroughly with a steel scrubber (only to be used in this rust-removal process) with the addition of lemon juice or white vinegar and baking soda to neutralize the acid.
  7. Rinse and dry completely.
  8. Immediately re-season your pan.

However, remember that rust is not covered under warranty—this is where your commitment to care comes in.

Choosing the TOXYFREE Carbon Steel Pan means investing in your health, your culinary narrative. With mindful care and usage, it will reward you with uncompromised cooking experiences and healthier, more flavorful meals.

Welcome to the TOXYFREE family, where the magic of healthy and delicious cooking begins.

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Nurturing a Toxin-Free Lifestyle: Your Ultimate Wellness Guide

Nurturing a Toxin-Free Lifestyle: Your Ultimate Wellness Guide

In the bustling rhythm of modern life, it's easy to overlook the importance of mindful living. But the secret to lasting wellness isn't in the latest fads; it's in returning to our roots, to a lifestyle free of environmental toxins.

Whether you're just beginning your journey or you're a seasoned pro looking to refine your approach, we've put together a list of 10 wellness tips for a toxin-free lifestyle. Let's dive in!

1. Embrace Organic and Local Food

Modern agriculture is fraught with pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Choosing organic food is an effective way to reduce your exposure to these toxins. Support your local farmers—fresh, seasonal produce not only tastes better but also leaves a smaller environmental footprint. Listen in as Dr Robert Lustig explains how to reverse all modern health problems with just 3 words: Eat Real Food. 

2. Create a Green Home Sanctuary

Your home should be a haven of wellness. Fill your refuge with as many naturally made items as possible. Opt for natural cleaning products instead of chemical-laden cleaners. Consider reducing plastic use, or better yet, go plastic-free. Embrace houseplants—they're not just aesthetic but also excellent at purifying indoor air.

3. Be Mindful of Your Skincare

Your skin absorbs what you put on it. Many skincare products on the market are brimming with questionable ingredients. Learn to read labels, choose products with natural ingredients, and avoid those with long lists of synthetic compounds. Or better yet, make your own! Read how in the Heal Your Gut with Bone Broth book or take our pre-recorded digital class

4. Prioritize Clean, Hydrating Water

Staying hydrated is crucial for health, but not all water is created equal. Look into a quality filtration system for your home and drink from glass or stainless steel containers to avoid plastic pollutants. See our Water Guide for resources.

5. Choose Natural Clothing

Toxins aren't just in what we consume but also in what we wear. Synthetic fabrics often contain harmful chemicals. Opt for clothing made of natural fibers like organic cotton, hemp, or linen. They're better for you and for the planet!

6. Practice Mindful Eating

Take time to savor your food, appreciate its journey to your plate, and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. This approach can enhance digestion, reduce stress, and foster a healthier relationship with food.

7. Engage with Nature

Physical activity is an essential part of wellness. Whenever possible, take your exercise outdoors. Whether it's a run in the park or a leisurely walk by the beach, spending time in nature can significantly uplift your mental well-being.

8. Cultivate Restful Sleep

A good night's sleep is a pillar of health. Reduce screen time before bed, maintain a dark, quiet sleeping environment, and establish a consistent sleep schedule. Prioritize rest—it's just as crucial as diet and exercise. See our Sleep Guide for resources.

9. Experiment with DIY Home Products

Many common household and beauty products can be made at home with simple, natural ingredients. It's cost-effective, fun, and allows you to control what goes into the products you use daily. Take our digital class to learn how!

10. Stay Informed and Be Patient

Living toxin-free is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with your progress and take one step at a time. Keep learning, stay curious, and remember: every little change contributes to a healthier you and a happier planet.

In our pursuit of wellness, we must never forget that the most effective solutions often lie in the simplest practices. Here's to a healthier, toxin-free life!

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The Product Diet™

The Product Diet™

Have you ever considered that the products you use daily might be affecting your health and weight?

In a recent eye-opening Instagram Live session (, we explored the concept of "The Product Diet" and discussed how the items we interact with daily can have significant consequences on our well-being. This blog post will dive deeper into this idea and share essential tips to help you make healthier choices.

The Hidden Culprits in Everyday Products:

It's easy to overlook the ingredients in the products we use, from personal care items to household cleaners. These products often contain chemicals and additives that can potentially harm our health. For instance, parabens and phthalates found in some cosmetics have been linked to hormonal disruptions. Similarly, many cleaning products contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can contribute to respiratory issues and other health problems.

The Connection to Weight:

The chemicals present in everyday products can also impact your weight. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), such as BPA and phthalates, can interfere with hormones regulating metabolism, appetite, and fat storage, leading to weight gain. By opting for products with fewer harmful chemicals, you can reduce your exposure to these health hazards and better manage your weight.

Tips for Adopting a Healthier Product Diet:

  1. Read Labels: Get into the habit of reading labels and familiarize yourself with common harmful ingredients. This will help you make informed decisions when purchasing products.

  2. Go Natural: Choose natural and organic products whenever possible. These options typically contain fewer synthetic chemicals and are gentler on your body and the environment.

  3. DIY Cleaning Products: Learn how to create your own organic cleaning products with everyday items like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. This not only reduces your exposure to harmful chemicals but can also save you money.

  4. Store Food Safely: Avoid using plastic containers, especially for hot or fatty foods, as they can leach chemicals into your food. Instead, go glass! Glass is chemically inert and can be reused indefinitely. It also looks beautiful in your home.

Adopting a healthier "Product Diet" is an essential step towards improving your overall health and weight. By being more intentional with the choice of items you use every day, you can minimize your exposure to harmful chemicals and enjoy a healthier life. For more tips and insights, be sure to check out our Instagram Live session on this topic:

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Making the connection between food supply and human health/quality of life will transform your life. While not exhaustive, these are some of the common effects that environmental toxins (food, water, products) have on our health:

Autism (increased prevalence)





Cardiovascular issues

Childhood cancer

Childhood obesity

Reproductive problems

Respiratory diseases

Heart difficulties & disease


Hormone interference

Influences growth and development

Immune dysfunction



Cognitive deficit

Mood changes

Neurological illnesses

Neurological diseases (Parkinson's, MS, Alzheimer's)

Developmental disabilities (Cerebral palsy, autism)

Changes in libido

Reproductive dysfunction

Glucose dysfunction

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Myalgic encephalomyelitis

High blood pressure


Teratogenicity and other allergens

Physical deformities

Behavioral or mental disorders

Reduced IQ

Cell damage

Interference with genes

Gene expression

Scoliosis and neural tube defects

Birth defects

Congenital eye abnormalities

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Infectious diseases

Acute illnesses like heat exhaustion

Heat-related illnesses during heat waves

Developmental disabilities in children

Low birthweight

Low sperm counts

Low testosterone levels

Preterm delivery

General mortality


Genital malformations

Undescended testes

Reduction of breast milk nutritional quality 

Infant mortality

Life expectancy

After pregancy: short and long-term hypertension, diabetes, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, breast cancer later in life






THE MANY HEALTH RISKS OF PROCESSED FOODS,high%20blood%20pressure%20and%20diabetes.





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Embrace the Unconventional: A Celebration of Grassfed Leg of Lamb

Embrace the Unconventional: A Celebration of Grassfed Leg of Lamb

Ah, Turkey Day! For most, it's a day of indulgence, feasting on the classic bird. But what if your dietary needs lead you on a different path, one less traveled? Those of us following a grain-free diet due to autoimmune conditions or personal preferences might find the typical poultry options troublesome. But fear not, I have an exciting solution for you: Leg of Lamb.

Now, this isn't just any leg of lamb recipe. It's one that's earned a special place in my family's heart and on our holiday table. Only a few times a year, when we're lucky enough to get our hands on our cherished grassfed lamb from our favorite local farmer, does this delectable dish make an appearance.

In its rarity, it's an event—an anticipated joy. Yes, it takes a little extra elbow grease, but I assure you, every second is worth the burst of flavor and the health benefits it brings.

This recipe is adapted from "Roast Leg of Lamb with Herbs in the Style of Castile" from Stanley Fishman's masterpiece, Tender Grassfed Meat. Here's my spin:


  • One 100% grassfed leg of lamb roast (Smaller sizes work amazingly well)
  • 100% grassfed natural fats: beef, bison, lamb, water buffalo (I suggest combining at least 1/4-1/2 cup of two)
  • Raw, unfiltered, organic olive oil (1/4-1/2 cup)
  • Organic fresh herbs: thyme, oregano, rosemary, sage, parsley (a handful of sprigs)
  • Organic garlic (2 cloves, quartered lengthwise)
  • Organic salt

Preparation Steps:

  1. Start a couple of days ahead by thawing your precious 100% grassfed leg of lamb roast.

  2. As the anticipation builds, melt 1/2 cup (or more) of at least two types of 100% grassfed fats. My favorites are beef fat, lamb fat, bison fat, or water buffalo fat.

  3. In the meantime, engage with your roast. Make several incisions across the lamb, deep enough to reach the center.

  4. Now it's time to fill those incisions with the flavorsome garlic slivers. On adventurous days, I've been known to sneak in some herbs into the slits. The result? Unforgettable!

  5. Sprinkle your roast generously with organic salt, and begin the anointing process with your array of oils.

  6. Give your masterpiece a well-deserved rest, let it marinate in the fridge for up to two days, allowing the flavors to truly fuse.

  7. Finally, the cooking. This roast welcomes versatility. You can follow the book's method or slow roast in a covered roasting pan for 8 hours. Either way, it's a treat to your taste buds!

Book's Cooking Method:

  • Allow the roast to sit at room temperature for at least an hour.
  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
  • Position the roast over the stripped stems of the herbs and rosemary sprigs.
  • Pour any remaining marinade over the roast and roast for 15 minutes.
  • Baste the roast with the pan drippings, reduce the heat to 300 degrees and cook for 30 minutes.
  • Baste again, and then cook for another 30 minutes. Your roast should now be a juicy, tender delight!
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Fermenting All Year

Fermenting All Year

With wild fermented foods offering 100s if not 1000s of wild species of probiotics versus the 10-20 species that are offered with expensive purchased probiotics in a jar, it behooves all of us to make wild fermenting a part of our daily life and eating routine. Wild fermenting is as easy as loading your vessel, keeping things submerged in a saline brine, and keeping an eye on your microbes while they work their magic. Here are some ideas for fermenting all year: 

dandelions, nettles, ramps, lemons, eggs, aspar
agus, fiddlehead, garlic scapes, radish, artichoke, morels, pea pods, grape leaves, limes

celery, mushrooms, cucumbers, salsa, peppers, corn, fennel, eggplant, onion, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, beans, basil, watermelon rinds, spinach, swiss chard, herbs, bell peppers

ginger, turmeric, garlic, mushrooms, apples, carrots, parsnip, turnip, rutabaga, cauliflower, broccoli, onion, green beans, shallots, chilis, arugula, squash, tomatillo, celery, radish, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, green tomatoes, hot peppers, for 3 weeks in September: green olives

WINTER: horseradish, cabbage, beets, mustard, limes, lemons, mustard, garlic

Tips from Revolution Fermentation: Add grated carrots or apple slices to your jar when fermenting cabbage! Experiment by adding a slice of orange to sweeten your carrot ferment. Add a slice of beet to make your cauliflower ferment a pretty pink or use purple cauliflower!

Try adding your wild fermented foods to soups, sandwiches, meat, stew, hamburgers, bowls of rice or other salads or just straight from the jar!

To help you add the numerous health benefits of wild fermentation to your healthy home routine we created a Fermenting Fun digital class with lifetime 24/7 access! 

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The Ultimate Natural Living Reading List

The Ultimate Natural Living Reading List


Eat Fat, Lose Weight by Mary Enig & Sally Fallon

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

Know your Fats by Mary Enig

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price

Good Calories, Bad Calories OR Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes

Fat and Cholesterol are GOOD for You by Uffe Ravnskov

Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas

Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shanahan

Real Food by Nina Planck

Traditional Foods are the Best Medicine by Ronald Schmid

Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson

The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain

Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf

Twinkie Deconstructed by Steve Ettlinger

The Dorito Effect by Mark Schatzker

The End of Overeating by David A. Kessler


Tender Grassfed Meat by Stanley Fishman

The Grassfed Gourmet by Shannon Hayes

The Butcher's Guide to Well-Raised Meat by Joshua and Jessica Applestone

Nom Nom Paleo Food for Humans by Michelle Tam and Henry Fong

Forgotten Skills of Cooking by Darrina Allen

In the Green Kitchen by Alice Waters

Digestive Health With REAL Food by Aglaée Jacob

Think Like a Chef by Tom Colicchio

What to Cook and How to Cook It by Jane Hornby

The Way to Cook by Julia Child

The River Cottage Meat Book by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Jamie's Food Revolution by Jamie Oliver

Mastering Knife Skills by Norman Weinstein

The Flavor Bible by Andrew Dornenburg

T O X I N - F R E E   L I V I N G 

Slow Death by Rubber Duck by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie

Sicker Fatter Poorer by Dr Leo Trasande

The Obesogen Effect by Bruce Blumberg

Our Daily Poison by Marie-Monique Robin

Our Stolen Future by Theo Colborn 

Countdown: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race by Shanna Swan




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