Embrace the Unconventional: A Celebration of Grassfed Leg of Lamb

Ah, Turkey Day! For most, it's a day of indulgence, feasting on the classic bird. But what if your dietary needs lead you on a different path, one less traveled? Those of us following a grain-free diet due to autoimmune conditions or personal preferences might find the typical poultry options troublesome. But fear not, I have an exciting solution for you: Leg of Lamb.
Now, this isn't just any leg of lamb recipe. It's one that's earned a special place in my family's heart and on our holiday table. Only a few times a year, when we're lucky enough to get our hands on our cherished grassfed lamb from our favorite local farmer, does this delectable dish make an appearance.
In its rarity, it's an event—an anticipated joy. Yes, it takes a little extra elbow grease, but I assure you, every second is worth the burst of flavor and the health benefits it brings.
This recipe is adapted from "Roast Leg of Lamb with Herbs in the Style of Castile" from Stanley Fishman's masterpiece, Tender Grassfed Meat. Here's my spin:
- One 100% grassfed leg of lamb roast (Smaller sizes work amazingly well)
- 100% grassfed natural fats: beef, bison, lamb, water buffalo (I suggest combining at least 1/4-1/2 cup of two)
- Raw, unfiltered, organic olive oil (1/4-1/2 cup)
- Organic fresh herbs: thyme, oregano, rosemary, sage, parsley (a handful of sprigs)
- Organic garlic (2 cloves, quartered lengthwise)
- Organic salt
Preparation Steps:
Start a couple of days ahead by thawing your precious 100% grassfed leg of lamb roast.
As the anticipation builds, melt 1/2 cup (or more) of at least two types of 100% grassfed fats. My favorites are beef fat, lamb fat, bison fat, or water buffalo fat.
In the meantime, engage with your roast. Make several incisions across the lamb, deep enough to reach the center.
Now it's time to fill those incisions with the flavorsome garlic slivers. On adventurous days, I've been known to sneak in some herbs into the slits. The result? Unforgettable!
Sprinkle your roast generously with organic salt, and begin the anointing process with your array of oils.
Give your masterpiece a well-deserved rest, let it marinate in the fridge for up to two days, allowing the flavors to truly fuse.
Finally, the cooking. This roast welcomes versatility. You can follow the book's method or slow roast in a covered roasting pan for 8 hours. Either way, it's a treat to your taste buds!
Book's Cooking Method:
- Allow the roast to sit at room temperature for at least an hour.
- Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
- Position the roast over the stripped stems of the herbs and rosemary sprigs.
- Pour any remaining marinade over the roast and roast for 15 minutes.
- Baste the roast with the pan drippings, reduce the heat to 300 degrees and cook for 30 minutes.
- Baste again, and then cook for another 30 minutes. Your roast should now be a juicy, tender delight!
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