Happiness Tips & Tricks

Is happiness a moral obligation? Here are some tips & tricks for feeling happier:
bored: learn something new, go outside, read a book, visit a museum
lonely: read a book, visit a museum, go to a place of worship, join a Meetup group, visit an animal shelter, adopt a pet, volunteer, get a pen pal, join a community garden, start a community garden, go to a movie, go to a concert, go to a coffee shop or the library, go grocery shopping or a park
critical: find something positive or good about the situation; direct the mind to something pleasing
discontented: deliberately think happy or positive thoughts; direct the mind to a happy memory or take action to advance in a positive direction (start a project, learn something, contribute to well-being somehow)
fear: take a small step in overcoming the fear (public speaking: share an idea with one or two people); replace the fearful thoughts with deliberate thoughts of success and faith
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