Discover the Delights of Home Fermentation: A Journey to Healthier Living

DIRECTIONS FOR KIT: place the spring on the piece with the handle; next, put the moat piece over the handle piece and turn the handle so that it becomes all connected as one piece; place this piece on the top of the jar and secure in place with the twist ring; turn the handle again to let the piece down to hold everything below the brine; fill your moat with brine; add the top cover and keep the moat filled with brine during the fermenting process!
- Create your brine (1-3 tablespoons of chemical-free salt dissolved in 1 quart of filtered water) (1 quart = 4 cups)
- Cut radish and onion into 1/4" thick slices
- Layer radish and onion in your jar or crock
- Cover with brine and use your weight or vessel system to keep everything submerged below the brine
- Place out of direct sunlight in a place on your counter so that you can "babysit" your jar (burb your jar or fill the moat with brine)
- Wait 6 days - 2 weeks
- Test your ferment; if you like it, place it into the refrigerator for long-term storage (many months or longer)
- Include small portions of fermented food with every meal for superior health!
Bon appétit!
For more ideas and recipes, get your free Fermenting Ideas Ebook HERE.
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